Are you an Official Member of the Hero’s Cafe?

Starting February 8th at the Somers-American Heroes Café, veterans can register to receive the new official American Heroes Café membership card. There are no dues or fees. Sign up this Wednesday in Somers or Friday in Kenosha, you will receive a Valentine♥Box of chocolates- while supplies last. Card carrying members qualify for future fun and excitement as a member of the American Heroes Café of Kenosha County.
Feel free to call with any questions.
- Erin 262-818-8439
- Jeff 262-994-1106
- Stan 414-333-7264
- Anne 262-818-7770
Campolo Book Signing Proceeds Donated to Safe Harbor in Mary Domes Name
Local Aurthor and Vietnam Veteran Joe Campolo stated recently “In honor of Mary Domes, one of the founders of the Hero’s Cafe in Kenosha, Wisconsin, ten percent of all proceeds from this event will be donated to Safe Harbor, in Kenosha. Mary was a strong advocate for our animal friends”
Please Join us on August 20th from 9am – Noon.

American Heroes Cafe Origins
As happens every Friday morning at the American Heroes Cafe, veterans recited the Pledge of Allegiance at 0900, sing patriotic songs, then dig into donuts and coffee. More importantly, the veterans come together for the camaraderie and to share experiences.
Mary Domes and Sharon Janusz co-founded the American Heroes Cafe in 2012 at the former Spiegelhoff’s SuperValu in Kenosha. Festival Foods, which acquired the SuperValu and built a new store nearby in 2013, offered to continue the American Heroes Cafe inside the new store.
Today, veterans stop by the Festivals Foods Kenosha Community Conference Room each week.
The American Heroes Cafe is now hosted by Festival Foods, 3207 80th St. It’s sort of like a family get-together without all the drama. It doesn’t matter which branch of the service you are in; whether you served in combat or not, where you served, or what era.
Birthdays are collectively celebrated once a month. They also share moments of silence for those who die.
Ali Nelson, director of Kenosha County’s Division of Veterans Services, calls the Cafe “A Healing Place.”
The American Heroes Cafe in Kenosha County as grown to a second location at the Somers Festival Foods (6000 31st Street) when they opened a few years ago. Take a look at the event calendar and come join us at the location and day convenient to you.
Rest in Peace Mary Domes
Passing the Torch

This Kenosha News© Article: Helping Heroes a labor of love for two local veterans: has some more details.