While searching through Post 21’s Newspaper Archives, I found an article showing when Voiture 410 received the Title and Keys for our locally famous Locomotive. According to the article the Locomotive was turned over on Thursday September 11, 1941. That would make her 82 years old as of the date of this article. Here’s to the next 82 years!
Kenosha Evening News Friday, September 12, 1941 The Caption reads:
KENOSHA VOITURE GETS NEW LOCOMOTIVE – The gift of the Nash-Kelvinator Corp. and other public-spirited individuals and organizations in Kenosha, the new volture locomotive for the Kenosha Forty and Eight Society was formally turned over to the chapter Thursday afternoon at the Nash plant. Above, R. A. DeVlleg, Nash-Kelvinator works manager, is presenting the certificate of title to Nick Raschke, retiring Chef de Gare. In the upper picture Mr. DeVlieg is with the nembers of the crew of the locomotive. They include Raschke, Jake Willems, Julius Roepke, Carl Gardner, Al Krahn, Ross Phelps and Dr. L E. Erling.

The pertinent part of the article reads as follows:
The chassis and motor were donated by Nash-Kelvinator, while a voluntary group of Legion and 40 et. 8 members helped with the assembling and finishing. A large number of other local firms donated various materials. The locomotive is built to the scale of the famous French locomotives of the World War. A box car will be added later.
Crew members are Jake Willems, Engineer; Carl Gardner, conductor; Julius Roepke, fireman; and Al Krahn brakeman. The locomotive will appear in the pre-convention parade to be held at Racine Saturday afternoon, and in the national 40 et 8 parade at Milwaukee Monday afternoon and evening.